Sister Dorothy Moore L’nu Resource Centre

Pjila’si – Welcome to the Sister Dorothy Moore L’nu Resource Centre (LRC)

The Sister Dorothy Moore L’nu Resource Centre (LRC), which is located within the Beaton Institute, is a beautiful, comforting space that houses a diverse collection of papers, books and other materials related to Mi’kmaw history.

The Grand Chief Room in the LRC may be used to give presentations or present videos related to Mi’kmaw culture. It is also a lovely, quiet place for contemplation, sharing circles, reading and study. The LRC welcomes students, educators, researchers, and anyone with an interest in Mi’kma’ki and Mi’kmaw culture.

The Sister Dorothy Moore L’nu Resource Centre collects material on Mi’kmaw and Indigenous history, language, and culture. If you would like to contribute documents, or have material we might use, please contact us.  We also welcome email inquiries on our holdings.


Available on-line, Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey’s Mi’kmaw-English Lexicon and a new report You Can’t Get an Elder in an App…

Read The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Read The Truth & Reconciliation Commission Summary of the Final Report

Watch MIKM2701-Learning from Knowledge Keepers of Mi’kma’ki (and navigate through all 12 episodes!)

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