Program Structure: Gaelic Foundations Program

Program Structure

The Gaelic Foundations Program provides students with the option to continue their studies in their second year at CBU in the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Arts Community Studies. Students also have the potential to receive transfer credits at another university and continue their studies after completing the Foundation program.

The program is split into five courses (or modules), with each module equalling six credits and includes 72 hours of instructional time. Instructional time is split into two-thirds of direct classroom lecturing and instruction and one-third will be group-based tutorial work, for a full course load of 30 credit hours in total.

Module 1: History of the Gael (HIST/GAEL 1102), Sep – Oct

Module 2: Music & Dance of the Gael (MUSI/GAEL 1110), Oct – Dec

Module 3: Folklore of the Gael (FOLK 1120/GAEL 1100), Jan – Feb

Module 4: Literature of the Gael (ENGL 2102/GAEL 2100), Mar – Apr

Module 5: Gaelic Language I & 2 (GAEL 1101 and GAEL 1103), Sep – April