In The Event Of An Emergency

Cape Breton University’s Community Responsibility

A Shared Approach to Ensuring the Health, Safety and Security of Faculty, Staff, Students and Visitors in the Event of an Emergency on Campus


In the event of emergency, please go to the nearest Emergency Department

In Sydney, the Emergency Department is located at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital

1482, George Street

Sydney, NS B1P 1P3
OR call 911

In the event of a non-emergency call Emergency Management and Security Services at (902)578-2316


  • Call 911. Give your name, location and telephone number. Give as much information as possible about the situation.
  • Mental health and addiction crisis line 1-888-429-8167 available 24/7
  • For help finding local resources or to talk with a counselor call 211 available 24/7
  • To speak with a registered nurse call 811 available 24/7
  • Unless there is imminent danger, do not move any injured/ill person until emergency responders have arrived.
  • Someone should stay with the injured/ill person while another person escorts emergency responders to the scene.
  • Keep the injured/ill person as calm and comfortable as possible.
  • If necessary, administer First Aid.
  • If you suspect an opioid overdose call 911 and follow the directions of the 911 Dispatcher. Inform the 911 Dispatcher that the Campus Security Officers are equipped with Naloxone nasal spray.
  • All injuries or accidents must be reported to the Occupational Health and Safety Officer.



  • If you suspect, or discover a fire, evacuate the area. Close the door to the room where the fire is located and immediately sound the building fire alarm.
  • Call 911 and give your name, and the location of the fire.
  • Proceed to the assigned Emergency Evacuation Area.
  • DO NOT USE AN ELEVATOR. Use the stairs to reach ground level. Follow the Fire Warden’s instructions.
  • Once outside, move to the nearest Emergency Assembly Area and out of the way of emergency personnel.
  • Notify either Emergency Management and Security Services or Regional Fire and Emergency Services if you suspect someone may be trapped inside the building.

An Official Message ALL CLEAR NOTIFICATION will be sent via CBU Alert & Alertus instructing the Campus Community that the emergency is over and the campus can resume normal operations.



A Hold & Secure is used when it is desirable to secure the school due to an ongoing situation outside and near to the campus.

  • a person who has either uttered a threat on or near the campus and is viewed by police as a potential threat
  • A fight outside or near the campus
  • An animal threat on or near the campus
  • Police action in the area of the campus
  • Hazardous substance released outside the campus


An Official Message will be sent via CBU Alert & Alertus instructing the Campus Community to HOLD & SECURE

  • Staff/Faculty/Campus Security Officers will instruct students not to leave the building
  • Lock/barricade classroom doors/office doors
  • Be quiet, turn down lights
  • Silence phones- do not send out messages via Social Media
  • Remain on Hold & Secure until official message is received from CBU Alert/Alertus


An Official Message ALL CLEAR NOTIFICATION will be sent via CBU Alert & Alertus instructing the Campus Community that the emergency is over and the campus can resume normal operations.



If an emergency involves an active threat, people in the threatened area may be advised of an “Active Threat”.
An active threat is a person whose immediate activity can cause death and/or serious injury.

An active threat can involve a firearm or another weapon. An active shooter is one example of an active threat.


In the event of an Active Threat, the campus community may receive an Official Message via CBU Alert & Alertus advising the Campus Community of an “ACTIVE THREAT”


Be Prepared

  • Ensure you are registered for CBU Alert- Cape Breton University’s emergency mass notification system.
  • Emergency Management and Security Services can be reached at (902)578-2316; save the number to your cell phone
  • Designate two places to hide in your building or outside in the event of an Active Threat; assess the security of your hiding places

**These are general guidelines; there may be some situations that make them ineffective or even dangerous. Follow these guidelines only if it’s safe to do so**

Experts recommend three essential courses of action to help you avoid harm in an active threat situation (armed assailant); RUN HIDE FIGHT

RUN (GET OUT) – if you are in close proximity to an armed assailant and are able to get away

  • Take a safe assessable escape path
  • Leave belongings behind and warn others
  • Help others escape, if possible
  • Follow police instructions
  • Do not stop to move wounded people
  • Call 911 when you are safe
  • Warn others


HIDE (LOCKDOWN) – if you cannot flee, or do not know the location of the active assailant, hide in a locked or barricaded room

  • Lock and barricade your hiding place
  • Turn off lights, close blinds
  • Stay out of view from armed assailant
  • Silence your cell phone
  • Remain calm and quiet
  • Do not respond to anyone at the door
  • If the fire alarm sounds, do not leave your hiding place unless you see smoke or fire
  • DO NOT leave until an “All Clear” notification is received.


FIGHT – if confronted by the active assailant, as a last resort, fight for survival

As a last resort, fight for your life.

  • Act as aggressively as possible against him/her
  • throw items and improvise weapons
  • Commit to your actions
  • Stop the threat


An Official Message ALL CLEAR NOTIFICATION will be sent via CBU Alert & Alertus instructing the Campus Community that the emergency is over and the campus can resume normal operations.



All Cape Breton University buildings are serviced with emergency power. In the event of a power failure, emergency power operates lights and other essential systems so building occupants can evacuate safely. In some buildings, emergency power will operate for only 20 minutes.

  • If there is a power failure during daylight check with your supervisor/instructor for instructions regarding building evacuation.

If there is a power failure after Sunset

  • IMMEDIATELY leave the building using the nearest exit
  • Use the stairs NOT the elevator.
  • If for any reason you are unable to leave the building, call Emergency Management and Security Services at (cell 902-578-2316) to report your situation.

An Official Message ALL CLEAR NOTIFICATION will be sent via CBU Alert & Alertus instructing the Campus Community that the power has been restored and the campus can resume normal operations