CBU Addresses Inaccurate Claim by CBUFA

CBUFA has stated that CBU “abruptly left the table” during our final conciliation meeting yesterday. This is false. 

Here is what happened:

  • The conciliator urged both parties to put their best foot forward to reach a timely settlement. CBU did just that.
  • The conciliator brought a verbal proposal from CBUFA of a 14% economic increase over two years.
  • In response, CBU provided a written offer with its best monetary proposal – 8% over three years, plus step adjustments to some ranks.
  • The conciliator took this proposal to CBUFA. When he returned, he advised that a deal would not be possible and CBUFA had no counteroffer.
  • With no counteroffer, the conciliator ended the meeting and returned to Halifax.

CBU never left the table abruptly and has always been prepared to negotiate. We remain willing to negotiate.

CBU has withdrawn all other proposals that were problematic for CBUFA. 

The only issue left to resolve is money. 

CBU’s monetary offer is in line with settlements at other Atlantic Canadian universities, including Dalhousie University, where the same economic increase was recently ratified by over 93% of their faculty.

CBU faculty salaries are fair and competitive with other universities in Atlantic Canada. CBU’s proposal ensures this continues.

CBU will continue to address inaccuracies.

For accurate information, visit www.cbu.ca/labour