Post-Secondary Night: Panel and Q&A Hosted by Theatre Nova Scotia


Thinking about pursuing a future in theatre? Want to learn more about your post-secondary options in theatre?

On May 27th at 7pm ADT, we will be hosting Post-Secondary Night via Zoom. During the first part of the event, you get to hear from a panel of professional theatre-makers from Nova Scotia/Mi’kma’ki who pursued theatre at the post-secondary level. Then, we will split up into different “rooms” and you will have the opportunity to talk to representatives from post-secondary theatre programs across the country! This is a night where you can get your questions answered and feel inspired by your post-secondary options – whether you are graduating this year or next year, or the year after that! 

Registration is open to high school students across Canada. You must be registered in order to attend the event.

To participate in this event, you will need a device and internet access on the evening of May 27th at 7pm ADT.  You must register by May 25th to attend this event.



Want to learn more about CBU’s programs and courses?

At CBU, you can major in Applied Theatre within our Bachelor of Arts, Community Studies degree. You can also earn a Certificate in Theatre Arts, or earn a Minor in Drama. We also offer Dramatic Literature Specialization (English Major).

Want to chat about your options at CBU? Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you!