Adapted from the short story by Premchandji | Directed by Gurmit Singh
The shroud is a short story by Premchand. It is a character study of two lazy and careless people who cross the limits of humanity for self gain. This story is set in post-independence India. The reality of poverty and the Zamindari system can be seen as a backdrop of the story. The play will be performed in Hindi with English narration.
Written by Rich Orloff | Directed by Jule Ann Hardy
Barry and Marjorie find their relationship at a crossroads when one begins evolving faster than the other… literally! Can love between two primordial creatures survive when one yearns for more than their swampy existence? Even a million years ago, relationships were complicated.
Written by Michael McKeever | Directed by Jule Ann Hardy
It’s April 15, 1912, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Harland and Claire Wydner-Doyle have just been informed that the ship they’re standing on, the unsinkable Titanic, is in fact sinking. Hogwash! Even more ludicrous, Mrs. Wydner-Doyle’s lifebelt is quite odorous, and everyone’s too busy panicking to bring them a tipple of champagne. The shame of it!
Box Office and Ticket Information
CBU Playhouse Box Office is open from 1:00pm to 5:00pm Monday to Friday and one hour before showtime.
The box office will open one week prior to performances and will remain open during the week of performances. Ticket and Seating information can be found below:
General Seating for all plays.
One-act Plays- $20 general, $10 students and seniors (Free admission for CBU Students)
One-Act Festival Pass- $40 general, $10 students and seniors
Evening shows begin at 7:00pm