My CBU Story: Alexandra Whyte

Alex Whyte in front of Cherry Blossom treesAlexandra Whyte’s journey at Cape Breton University is a testament to her resilience, passion and deep-rooted connections. Born in China and adopted by her family in Cape Breton at the age of six, Alexandra’s decision to attend CBU was driven by a desire to stay close to home and be near her loved ones.

Graduating from the Bachelor of Science program, Alexandra has cherished the small class sizes and the close relationships she developed with her professors. “My biggest supporters throughout my degree would be my family, the staff in the biology department and my classmates” says Alexandra. “I am grateful for my time at Cape Breton University and the experiences it has brought with it.”

While studying at CBU, Alexandra’s favourite class was an anatomy and cellular molecular lab with Senior Lab Instructor, Chantelle Cormier. “She was always there to answer questions and it felt like she cared about each student individually,” says Alexandra. “I could also see her passion for the courses she taught, and it helped me enjoy what I was doing.” Beyond her core program, Alexandra found joy and expression in drama courses, which she has been involved in since high school. She appreciates CBU’s flexibility in allowing her to pursue her passion for drama alongside her biology studies, highlighting the University’s support for a well-rounded education.

One of the highlights of Alexandra’s time at CBU was her participation in plays, both as a high school and university student. She also fondly remembers late nights studying at CBU, enjoying ramen noodles from Caper Convenience and the camaraderie of collecting insects in her entomology class. “My time at CBU has taught me how to be a better leader and to take initiative,” says Alexandra. “Before coming to CBU, I had attended a smaller school, so I am grateful for the opportunity to come to CBU where there is a bigger student population. I have made new friends and learned a ton at CBU.”

Looking to the future, Alexandra is embarking on a one-year internship in British Columbia, focusing on leadership with children and university students. She plans to continue her education in the field of biology, further building on the skills and experiences she gained at CBU. To future CBU students, Alexandra advises getting involved early and taking advantage of the many opportunities for personal and academic growth. She encourages her fellow graduates to embrace the challenges ahead with resilience and flexibility, knowing that their time at CBU has prepared them well for whatever comes next.

Alexandra’s journey at CBU is a testament to the University’s commitment to providing a supportive and enriching environment for its students. As she looks forward to the next chapter in her life, Alexandra carries with her the knowledge and experiences gained at CBU, ready to face new adventures and challenges with confidence. 


Congratulations to Alexandra and the entire graduating class of Spring 2024!