An intensive week-long workshop was organized on the island of Malta, historically referred to as the Nurse of the Mediterranean. The workshop which was held from April 29 – May 3, 2019, was a collaborative effort between Nursing Faculty from the University of Malta together with Nursing Faculty from Cape Breton University, Dalhousie University and St Francis Xavier University.
This research workshop was designed for graduate nursing students at the University of Malta seeking to submit a dissertation in partial fulfilment of their Master of Nursing degree. The workshop was held at the historic university campus in Valletta, the capital city of Malta. It consisted of a four day interactive dialogue between faculty and students around research designs, methodologies and students projects. By the end of the workshop each student was able to develop a research proposal in preparation for their Master of Nursing degree.
Participating faculty included: Dr. Vicky Sultana, Dr. Josiane Scerri (from the University of Malta) Dr Odette Griscti, Dr Audrey Walsh,(Both from Cape Breton University) Dr Megan Aston, Dr Audrey Steenbeek, (from Dalhousie University) and Dr Deborah Sheppard LeMoine (St.Fx University). Various other faculties from the Department of Nursing, University of Malta also participated in the sessions and in round table discussions.
The event was such a success that the organizers are planning to hold similar workshops between the three universities and the University of Malta in the future.