Foysal Ahmed recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science from CBU with wonderful memories he will cherish for the rest of his life. Originally from Dhaka, Bangladesh, Foysal says graduation was an important milestone marking the next stage of his journey, but it doesn’t mean the end of his connection to the University. “It has been a blast, honour and privilege to be able to graduate from CBU,” says Foysal. “I will be back here time and time again to visit my professors and peers.”
To those considering coming to CBU, Foysal says it is a welcoming and nurturing environment for those who are eager to learn. “You get to know your professors really well since class sizes are small and you can make some great friends along the way,” he says. “As an added bonus, living in Cape Breton is amazing because it’s the most beautiful place in Canada with the friendliest people you could imagine.”
During his time at CBU, Foysal says he felt blessed to find such great friends. “One of my fondest memories with them was our field trip to Uisge Ban Falls with one of my favourite professors, David McCorquodale,” says Foysal. “I’ll definitely miss seeing my friends on campus every day and chatting with my professors in the hallways.”
For Foysal, thanking Allah, his parents and his friends for all of their support is of utmost importance. In addition, he says his professors were patient and caring, guiding him through his studies while supporting his endeavours both on campus and off.
Looking ahead, Foysal says his goal is to finish his residency and head home for a visit before returning to Canada to pursue a Master’s Degree. He hopes his fellow graduates find their callings around the world. “Regardless of where we end up with our careers, we will always be welcome at CBU and it will always hold a special place in our hearts,” says Foysal. “Achieve whatever your heart desires by facing your challenges head on and following your gut. I wish the best of luck to all of my fellow graduates!”