Transitioning from high school to university can feel like a rollercoaster at times. All of a sudden you’re meeting new people, adjusting to new schedules and finding your place on campus. If you’ve ever noticed people talking about university and throwing around words you’ve never heard of, you’re not alone. It’s like a language of its own!
Okay so it’s not exactly a new language, but the university experience definitely comes with a new set of words and phrases that you’ll want to understand. You might be surprised by how many unfamiliar words you’ll hear during your first few weeks of university.
What’s your GPA? Did you read the syllabus? How many credits is this course worth? Did you get conditional acceptance? Woah, are you feeling confused yet? Don’t worry, we’re here to help make this adjustment as smooth as possible. Before you know it, you’ll sound like a walking Webster’s Dictionary.
For those of you who have been accepted to CBU (we can’t wait to meet you!) and for those still considering applying, we have put together a resource, similar to a dictionary, that will help get rid of any confusion or questions surrounding common CBU terms. You might see these words while checking out our website, filling out an application, during your advising appointment and throughout the rest of your university experience.
Our hope is that this dictionary will serve as a useful tool for you not only at the beginning of your university transition but throughout all of the years you spend with us at CBU.