Understanding CBRM Transit

It may not be a white horse carriage ride, but the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) transit service is a great option for you to get where you need to go as a CBU student. The following blog will explain everything you need to know about catching the bus and making sure you get to your destination right here in the CBRM.


Alright, first things first, you’ll need a pass or ticket to actually get on the bus. While you can pay for each trip individually, purchasing a bus pass is a more affordable option in the long term. 

Individual tickets can be purchased on campus at Caper Convenience or at a Shoppers Drug Mart in Sydney, Sydney River or North Sydney. 

The easiest way to purchase a bus pass is to visit the CBU Students’ Union front desk between Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm. Since the CBUSU front desk is located on campus, it’ll likely be the most convenient way for you to get yours. If you find yourself downtown, you can also purchase a bus pass at the CBRM Office (City Hall) at 320 Esplanade. 

It’s 2025, Just Get the App:

The best way to plan your routes and track your ride is by downloading the Transit Mobile App. Through this app, you can receive updates for delays, cancellations or detours, view the map that shows the route of each bus and even track your bus to see exactly where it is.

We highly recommend having the app and notifications turned on. Be sure to regularly check for delays and plan accordingly. 

Oh, and if you want to get to class on time, always take the earlier bus. If you have a class that starts at 8:30am, don’t push it by taking the 8:00am bus; you’re always going to be better off taking the 7:00am or 7:30am bus. You never know when construction will hold you up or weather conditions will slow you down. Be smart and think ahead, even if it sucks getting out of bed a little earlier.

Ensuring a Smooth Ride:

If you want to guarantee yourself a smooth ride, listen up for this next part. Cape Breton winters can be harsh and the summers can be just as bad when that humidex starts working its way up, so dress appropriately. Be sure to think before you head out for your wait at the bus stop, bundle up in the winter and have ways to stay cool in the summer.

CBRM bus drivers try to be as patient and timely as possible, but you have a role to play as well. You can probably imagine how having to fill a bus with 20 people who are all fumbling for their bus passes is not very efficient. Please, have your pass or ticket ready when the bus arrives.

Common Sense and Respect:

To a lot of you, this probably seems like common sense, but a friendly reminder never hurts. Please, be patient. Be patient with the bus drivers, other travelers, and unplanned traffic and construction zones. Remember that everyone is trying to do their jobs and get where they need to go, just like you. 

Last, but certainly not least, be respectful. Transit Cape Breton will not tolerate abusive language, pushing/shoving or inappropriate behaviour of any kind. Bus drivers have the right to deny you entry to the bus or pull over and ask you to leave the bus to ensure their own safety and the safety of the other passengers. 

For more information and a full list of FAQs on transit services, please visit cbu.ca/transit