Department: Psychology
Email: Geoff_Carre@cbu.ca
Department: Psychology
Email: Geoff_Carre@cbu.ca
Dr. Geoff Carre received his undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Biology from Trent University, and a masters and doctorate in Psychology from Memorial University. During that time he specialised in the area of behavioural neuroscience. His interest was in the �arousal systems� of the brain. For his doctorate, he looked at the role of both the supramammillary nucleus and the basal forebrain in the modulation of information passage through the hippocampus, an area of the brain responsible for the development of long-term memories. Dr. Carre’s Current research is aimed at further exploring the physiological mechanism by which nature exposure restores cognitive capacity.
Effects of nature exposure on cognition and mental health: physiological underpinnings