The School of Nursing at CBU invites applications for full-time Nursing Practice Educators – Mi’kmaw. These positions will commence in January/February 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The School is committed to promoting culturally strong, experienced, professionally educated Indigenous nurses. Nursing education at CBU reflects the values of culturally safe care and we support the delivery of meaningful, respectful, and effective care. This commitment includes recruitment of Mi’kmaw nurse educators to share knowledge, mentorship, expertise, skills, advice, and leadership to help realize the University’s stated goals toward reconciliation and indigenizing the curriculum.
Unama’ki University Kina’matno’kuo’m Nursing wetnu’kwalsit wiaqa’tn ta’n teli tlamsitasultijik ml’kiknaqn, ta’n wel-nenmi’tij, welukutijik l’nu’k nursaq. Nursing kina’masuti CBU ankaptik kisa’toq ta’n te’sik L’nu’k ketlamsitni’tij wen tepaqo’tasit ankwyut aqq ninen pukwatmek menaqaj kinu’tmuksin ta’n wl’te’tasitew, kepmite’tasik, aqq tepaqo’tasij wen. Ula wiaqtek ta’n mawi lukutijik L’nu’k nurse ta’n ekina’muatl ta’n nekm kisi kina’masij koqowey kejitoq, ikana’latl, mawi nenk, ketawa’qa’toq, keknuwa’tiket, aqq ta’n ikana’toq wjit apoqnmuwen University ta’n menuweke’tij wjit Reconciliation aqq piskwa’tnew L’nuwey ta’n teli kina’muwa’titaq.
The School of Nursing invites applications from interested Mi’kmaw nurses who are passionate about educating the next generation of nurses. We are seeking progressive, energetic, culturally strong Mi’kmaw candidates with a commitment to excellence in nursing practice education. The primary position responsibility will be to instruct, supervise, and evaluate nursing students in a variety of nursing practice settings including acute care, long term care, community, as well as on-campus nursing simulation, and/or laboratory instruction. There will be opportunities to teach or co-teach the concept -based curriculum with other nursing faculty in a supportive environment.
Unama’ki University Kina’matno’kuo’m Nursaq menuweke’tijik ta’n ketu’ lukwatmi’tij L’nuu’k nursaq ta’n welte’tmi’tij wjit ekina’muwanew wen ketu’ kina’masij ta’n nutko’ltijik ketu’ kina’masultijik suwa’tn Nurso’ti. Menuwekeyek wula’sin, pukwelk, ta’n melkiknaq l’nuwey ta’n ketu’ sukwa’tu’tij ta’n sataq ekina’masit nurso’ti. Ula ta’n menuwaqtasik na nuta’tew tlimuksin, amkweywan, aqq nuji ankaman ikina’masultijik ta’n pukwelkl ta’n kisi tlukutijik kutey amko’tasultijik, ta’n sa’q eykik ankweyujik, wutann, aqq ta’n campus eykik nursaq, aqq/kisna laboratory telimujik. Tetal pukwelkl wjit kina’munew kisna nespi kina’munew concept based kina’masuti wjit piluwe’l nusaq eykik ta’n apoqnmatultitaq mawita’taq.
Successful candidates will have:
Kaqikisa’tiket wen weskuntew:
CBU teaches programs on campus, off campus in locations across and outside of Canada, and on-line. The university and its partners will therefore provide opportunities for faculty members to teach in different modes in different locations as part of their regular workload. While these opportunities may not be available equally for all faculty positions in all programs, a clear willingness to teach in different modes and locations will be noted as part of your application.
The union affiliation of this position is with the Cape Breton University Faculty Association.
Cape Breton University is strongly committed to fostering diversity within our community. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our staff, our faculty and its scholarship including, but not limited to, women, visible minorities, Aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. Please note that all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply but applications from Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
Cape Breton University
Human Resources Dept.
1250 Grand Lake Road, Sydney, NS B1M 1A2