Department: Biology
Email: David_McCorquodale@cbu.ca
Department: Biology
Email: David_McCorquodale@cbu.ca
David is a Biology Professor at Cape Breton University (CBU), Sydney, NS and Co-Chair of the Arthropods of the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). He learned the basics of natural history while working in Algonquin Park as an interpretive naturalist in the 1970s. He studied wasp and fly behaviour along the Milk River in southern Alberta for his MSc, the evolution of wasp social behaviour in Australia for his PhD, leafcutter bees in southern Alberta for a post-doc before arriving at CBU in 1990. Currently he studies the distribution, faunistics and status as species at risk of lady beetles, bumble bees and long-horned beetles. He has answered questions on the CBC Cape Breton radio phone-in ‘Bird Hour with Dave and Dave’ for more than 25 years, undertaken pre and post environmental assessments of wind turbine projects, been a member of the Nova Scotia Species at Risk Working Group, and was Chair of Science Atlantic for 3 years.
Species at risk in Canada, beetles, bees; Changes in bird populations